
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Who's Tweeting Who

Hello My Site Lite Followers. It's an overcast day in Atlanta... the perfect day for social media surfing. During my traditional run through the usual suspects (blogs, Facebook, Twitter etc) I came across an interesting article by MarketingProfs regarding the surprisingly large number of Tweets that are sent via third-party apps in comparison to what Twitter has implied.  So what does this mean? Let's take a look:

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Article Spotlight: Does Social Media Really Generate Sales Leads?

Article Written By: Garrett Hollander on Fri, Feb 11, 2011 @ 03:23 PM (Vendere)

When I really immersed myself in the world of marketing a couple years ago, social media was all the rage and the hottest buzzword around.  You couldn't go anywhere on the web without little innocuous buttons prompting, nay chiding you, to "join the conversation."  And in huge numbers we tweeted, we facebooked, we dugg, we stumbledupon a crapload of internet content. It's 2011, and so I ask the question - Today, what exactly are the primary uses of social media?  It seems the answer is simple.
  1. For individuals - Connect with others
  2. For companies - Actively drive business
  3. For companies - Passively increase brand awareness
Social media has succeeded tremendously on point #1.  I mean I can't be the only one with more than a few Facebook friends from high school and college, who I never would have thought about again, had Facebook never been invented.

As far as business application of social media (points #2 and #3), it's very much a mixed bag.  In looking at various statistics on the web, it tends to be hit or miss.  Some very mature marketers are driving business with the medium, but what about the active-but-not-a-wizard group?  Mixed results.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

My Site Lite Aligns With Coding Staff To Enhance Website Offerings

My Site Lite is excited to increase the level of alignment with Coding Staff, a leading International DotNetNuke development and website solutions company. Moving forward My Site Lite will look to Coding Staff to facilitate a number of different website customization and skinning needs for clients looking for a customized website foundation to support their internet marketing needs.

While there is certainly more news to come, we were simply too excited to wait! Please click the link below for more information regarding Coding Staff and a link to their website.

My Site Lite Blog

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Inspiration | Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

It's Friday! Assuming you're like the majority of today's workforce, you're probably struggling to find inspiration as the day winds down. In order to help you over the last bit of work before you wind down this weekend. Take a couple minutes to view Simon Sinek's powerful video entitled How Great Leaders Inspire Action. Here's an overview from

Click Here to view this video at's internal blog

"Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers -- and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Introducing My Cloud Lite | Online Products - Domain Names for under $10.50 a year!

Hello One and All!

This is Thomas with My Site Lite. I am proud to let you know that we have opened our online products store (My Cloud Lite) for all your website needs! Are you looking to register a new domain name, get website hosting, dive into eCommerce, or simply need a few more email addresses? Well My Cloud Lite ( is here for you! As a My Site Lite company you know you'll get the same level of care you've come to expect with My Site Lite and also benefit from great savings on services when you purchase with us.

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How Hot Is Your Smartphone

iPhones, Blackberries, Androids... oh my! For most of us, life without the smartphone is not life at all. The hand-held devices have become a critical piece of our business and personal lives and the industry leaders are fighting tooth and nail to become your smartphone.  So who is in the lead and where is the market going? Let's take a look!

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